IDIOT Engineering
Embracing Artifical Intelligence
We all, especially software engineers, are on a journey of enhancing Artificial Intelligence (AI).
AI is here and here to stay. What we need to do is embrace Artificial Intelligence, and we need to enjoy the journey! But how do we enjoy it? This book will help us do a lot of things
- Explaining the definition of AI, the potentials and the risks of AI
- How to work and to utilize AI,
- How to increase AI literacy through education!
Invest your time to the reading journey with this Book
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What you will find in this book
Understand how your mind works and how your mind become part of AI movement
Gain your Knowledge by Understand various way to understand and implement AI
Giving you a short vision how to implement AI in academic, lifestyle, and your productivity.
What people are saying

I Hope this book can lead you to imaginative journey to see the real struggle and fun of software engineering life

THrough this book, hope you find our the real aspect of AI and its ecosystem, direction, and so yout vision which you will not give up for your future
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this book in Bahasa Indonesia?
This book is in simple English Language. You can read the book easily without understand the spesific jargon of an AI
What’s the book format?
The book available on hard copy format (soft cover) and ebook format in epub version
Is this book is academic book?
This book is semi - academic book you will enjoy this book just like a novel
Who is the audience of this book?
Student, Lecturer, Professional, or Society who want to understand AI